February is American Heart Month, and UT System encourages all UTMB employees to take a 10-minute walk at 10 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 5, to celebrate and create heart health awareness.
The UT System Living Well program challenges you to have your blood pressure checked this month. High blood pressure often shows no signs or symptoms, which is why knowing your numbers is so important. You can get your blood pressure screened at your doctor’s office or local drugstore. You can even check it yourself at one of UTMB’s blood pressure stations.
If your blood pressure is high, you are invited to attend a webinar at noon on Wednesday, Feb. 17, to learn about hypertension solutions available to you through Livongo, a health and wellness program covered at 100% for UT SELECT medical plan members.
Click here to find out more about Livongo and to register for the webinar.