Crucial Conversations Leadership Training Now Available

Apr 21, 2021, 18:38 PM by Alexa Akim

Leaders, do you sometimes find it difficult to hold members of your team accountable? Have you ever wanted to give a coworker sensitive feedback but decided not to because the conversation might not go well? Do you feel unable to state your honest opinion at times for fear it could be used against you?

Crucial Conversations training is available to help UTMB's leaders communicate more effectively in these types of situations, and new training cohorts will begin Wednesday, April 28, and Friday, April 30.

Crucial Conversations teaches the skills needed for creating open dialogue when the stakes are high, opinions differ and emotions are strong. Leaders who take part in the training will learn how to develop the dialogue skills necessary to communicate with all levels of the organization; achieve agreement on important matters; identify your own communication style when under stress; share difficult messages and encourage others to do the same; bring your staff’s best ideas to the surface for improved decision-making; and resolve disagreements and foster teamwork.

Each training cohort consists of five two-hour sessions spread over a five-week period via Zoom video conferencing. To register for one of the cohorts:

  • Log in to the UTMB Learn system with your UTMB user name and password. Please note that the recommended web browsers for accessing the system are Google Chrome and Firefox.
  • On the main menu, click on the Catalog link.
  • Click on the Load More link near the bottom of the screen to show more categories.
  • Click on the Professional Development category.
  • Select either Crucial Conversations – Cohort 6 or Crucial Conversations – Cohort 7.
  • Click on Enroll to register for the desired cohort. Please sign up by noon on Monday, April 26, to ensure your seat.

Further training instructions and a Zoom link will be provided upon registration.

For questions or would like more information about the manager training, please email