W-2 Tax Form
Employees who consented to receive an electronic copy of their W-2 tax form for 2021 may now view and print the form through Employee Self Service. The form is located under the Payroll and Compensation section, and
you must be directly connected to a UTMB network to access the document. Any employee who did not sign up for digital delivery of the form will be sent a paper copy through the U.S. mail. For questions or more information about
the W-2 tax form, email payroll.services@utmb.edu.
1095-C Tax Form
Employees who signed up to receive an electronic copy of their 1095-C tax form for 2021 may now log in to www.MyTaxForm.com to download and print the form. This form contains
information about your health care coverage that will be needed to compete your income tax return. Any employee who did not consent to electronic delivery of the form will receive a paper copy through the U.S. mail. Lost or damaged forms will be reissued
at no cost; however, a fee will be charged for each additional paper copy. For assistance with logging in to MyTaxForm.com, email hrservic@utmb.edu.