UTMB Human Resources

Human Resources is committed to meeting UTMB's strategic human resource needs while delivering the best possible client experiences and outcomes.

Innovative, Client-Centered Solutions

Human Resources strives to provide innovative, client-centered solutions to further UTMB’s strategic initiatives and support our employees and the broader community. The department aims to produce:

  • Engaged, valued and committed employees to meet current and future workforce needs
  • Learning and talent development programs to increase competencies
  • Safe, healthy, and balanced work environment
  • Strategic business partnerships to meet operational demands
  • Consistent consultation and standard services, policies and processes that are transparent, technology-enabled, easy to administer and intuitive to our customers
  • Proactive customer experience across each segment of HR's clients to fit needs and deliver at the moments that matter, including effective and prompt resolution to service concerns

HR Mission

  • Mission

    We will provide high quality, innovative, client-centered human resource management solutions to further UTMB's mission. We will meet the university's strategic human resource needs and deliver the best possible client experiences and outcomes by attracting, developing and retaining top talent; forming positive collaborative relationships; and establishing, administering and effectively communicating sound policies and procedures that treat staff and faculty with dignity and respect.

  • Vision

    We aim to support a diverse and inclusive organizational culture that values all employees, fosters continuous growth and development, rewards performance and ensures results.

  • Values

    We will strive to excel in every aspect of our services by focusing on the value-added outcomes for our clients. We will respect each person, work hard to improve the quality of work life integration at UTMB and improve the practice of human resource management.

    We will maintain the highest standards of ethical conduct.

    We will employ innovative, necessary and effective technologies (electronic and otherwise) to serve our client’s needs. We will encourage constructive change, creativity and the application of new ideas.

News & Announcements

Benchmark Your Skills through UTMB’s Digital Learning Platform

Aug 28, 2023, 10:19 AM by Alexa Akim

The continual learning and development of employees is essential to UTMB’s mission, vision and values and having a growth mindset can help you excel in your role and prepare for future opportunities. Did you know that you can gauge your proficiency in a particular skill through the university’s digital learning platform?

Powered by Skillsoft Percipio, the platform uses skill benchmarks to measure your capabilities against specific objectives defined by leading subject matter experts. The skill benchmarks will help to identify your knowledge gaps, so that you can focus on the skills you need to improve and not on those you already know.

The platform offers hundreds of skill benchmarks. To find a skill benchmark:

  • Go to https://utmb.percipio.com/ and log in using your UTMB username and password.
  • Enter skill benchmark in the search box.
  • Filter by subject, expertise and/or duration.
  • Select the skill benchmark you want to take and answer each question.

After you answer all the questions, you’ll immediately receive a proficiency rating:

  • Novice (0-9 points): Novice means that you are starting with very limited familiarity on the topics critical for the skill.
  • Aspiring (10-49 points): Aspiring means that you have demonstrated minimal capabilities for the specific skill and should make an investment in learning to achieve proficiency.
  • Developing (50-69 points): Developing means that you have some proficiency with the specific skill and only need to close a few knowledge gaps to achieve proficiency.
  • Proficient (70-89 points): Proficiency means that you have met the criteria for applying your knowledge with the skill to practical challenges in your work. We recommend you strive to achieve a minimum level of Proficiency for the skills you are developing.
  • Advanced (90-100 points): Advanced means that you demonstrate a thorough understanding of the skill and may be able to mentor other learners within your organization.

You’ll also be presented with targeted learning content based on your level of readiness and goals. You can take a skill benchmark as many times as you want, and the platform will track your scores to see your improvement over time.

If you’re a manager, you can use the platform to assign a skill benchmark to your team as well as learning content to improve their competency with a high focus skill. This may be an excellent approach if, for example, your team is struggling to improve customer service perceptions. It would allow employees to know where they should focus their personal development to achieve a team objective. Improvements can then be measured by employees’ skill benchmark scores and departmental outcomes.

For more information about UTMB’s digital learning platform, including user videos and guides, visit https://utmb.us/70m.